HomeGamingWarzone 2 Battle Rifles List & How To Unlock

Warzone 2 Battle Rifles List & How To Unlock


In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can use battle rifles to combat foes in multiplayer and co-op. Get to know the battle rifles present in the game, how to unlock them, details, and more using this guide.

Read the XP Farm Guide to level up fast.

Weapon Lists
Assault Rifles Battle Rifles SMGs
Shotguns LMGs Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles Handguns Launchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
Tacticals Lethals Field Upgrades

Warzone 2 Battle Rifles List

Weapon How To Unlock Description
Modern Warfare 2 Battle Rifles Lachmann-762Lachmann-762 Unlocked at Level 16 A delayed blowback 7.62 receiver with equal parts power and control. Select fire allows precise semi-auto shots and short bursts of devastating full-auto firepower.
SO-14SO-14 Level up the EBR-14 to Level 12 Adapt to any situation with this select-fire rifle. Stay in semi-auto for long-distance target shooting or switch to full auto when things get up close and personal.
TAQ-VTAQ-V Level up the TAQ-56 to Level 11 A moderate fire range, heavy-hitting 7.62 rounds, and controllable recoil make the TAQ-V a solid contender for medium to long-range engagements.
FTAC ReconFTAC Recon Level up the M4 to Level 13 A high-powered .458 Battle Rifle that delivers severe damage at medium range.

What Are Battle Rifles In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2?

Long Range Assault Rifles

Battle Rifles are like the tougher and more powerful versions of Assault Rifles. They hit harder and are handy in long to medium range combat. However, this comes at a price. They more or less have fewer ammo and worse recoil. This makes these rifles comparatively weak when used in close encounters. Although it has these disadvantages, they can be pretty rewarding if you fire them in controlled bursts.

Best Have Good Secondaries

As the Battle Rifle are more effective in longer ranges, it may leave you vulnerable to CQC. Bring decent pistols, SMGs, or shotguns to help mitigate this weakness. While you can use Battle Rifles in close range, they can be pretty unwieldy and there’s a high chance that you might be outgunned in a prolonged encounter.

Read the campaign guide to know more about the game’s story.




Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.