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Warzone 2 All Weapons & Guns List

In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players get to use a large variety of weapons and equipment. Get to know all weapons and guns in  Modern Warfare 2, how to unlock them, and more using this handy list.

Warzone 2 All Weapons & Guns List

Warzone 2 Assault Rifle List

TacticalHow To UnlockDescription
M4M4Unlocked by defaultThe flagship rifle of the M4 Platform. This reliable workhorse is a jack-of-all-trades that performs well in most combat scenarios.
TAQ-56TAQ-56Unlocked at Level 19With a high fire rate and combat flexibility, the TAQ-56 is a full auto rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm.
Kastov 762Kastov 762Unlocked at Level 23This modern, hard-hitting rifle is hte core of the AK Platform. Chambered with large caliber 7.62×39 rounds, a skilled operator will find success with controlled shots.
Lachmann-556Lachmann-556Level up the Lachmann-762 to Level 13The Lachman-556 is the keystone in the Lachmann Meer arsenal. An adaptive 5.56 weapon system that bridges the gap between submachine guns and full-powered rifles.
STB 556STB 556Unlocked at Level 41The STB 556 is a closed-bolt rifle built around modularity and accuracy, ideal for mid to long-range fights.
M16M16Level up the 556 Icarus to Level 13Tuned for mid to long-range engagements, the M16 features a 3-round burst rifle that has increased range and stability.
Kastov-74uKastov-74uLevel up the Kastov 545 to Level 13The Kastov-74u is a rifle optimized for short to medium distances. With a shortened receiver and barrels designed for short range combat, the Kastov-74u gains significant maneuverability at the expense of effective range.
Kastov 545Kastov 545Level up the Kastov 762 to Level 11The Kastov 545 uses intermediate caliber 5.45×39 rounds allowing for less recoil while maintaining a higher rate of fire.
M13BM13BUnlock by defeating the chemist in the radiation zone of DMZ and extracting his dropped weapon.The M13B features a short-stroke piston system that allows for a high rate of fire and low recoil.

Read more about Assault Rifles here.

Warzone 2 Battle Rifle List

Assault RifleHow To UnlockDescription
Lachmann-762Lachmann-762Unlocked at Level 16A delayed blowback 7.62 receiver with equal parts power and control. Select fire allows precise semi-auto shots and short bursts of devastating full-auto firepower.
SO-14SO-14Level up the EBR-14 to Level 12Adapt to any situation with this select-fire rifle. Stay in semi-auto for long-distance target shooting or switch to full auto when things get up close and personal.
TAQ-VTAQ-VLevel up the TAQ-56 to Level 11A moderate fire range, heavy-hitting 7.62 rounds, and controllable recoil make the TAQ-V a solid contender for medium to long-range engagements.
FTAC ReconFTAC ReconLevel up the M4 to Level 13A high-powered .458 Battle Rifle that delivers severe damage at medium range.

Read more about Battle Rifles here.

Warzone 2 SMG List

SMGHow To UnlockDescription
VEL 46VEL 46Unlocked by defaultChambered in 4.6x30mm, the VEL 46 is a maneuverable submachine gun with moderate recoil.
MX9MX9Level up the STB 556 to Level 13A submachine gun conversion of the rifle receiver, the MX9 submachine gun performs well at close to mid-range. Subsonic ammo hides kill skulls from the enemy team.
Lachmann SubLachmann SubLevel up the Lachmann-556 to Level 12The Lachmann Sub’s compact, fully automatic 9mm receiver is a masterpiece of stability, mobility, and lethality. The modular system is configurable for a variety of covert and close-quarters operations.
Vaznev-9KVaznev-9KLevel up the Kastov-74u to Level 15An enhanced and modern version of the AK Platform, the 9mm Vanzev-9K boasts an aggressively high rate of fire and leads the way in short to mid-range engagements.
FSS HurricaneFSS HurricaneLevel up the FTAC Recon to Level 16The FSS Hurricane sacrifices range and stopping power for increased ammo capacity and enhanced stability.
MinibakMinibakLevel up the Vaznev-9K to Level 14With a high rate of fire, straight blowback system, and a unique high-capacity magazine, the Miniback shreds in close-quarters combat.
PDSW 528PDSW 528Unlocked at Level 5Rapid-fire, a compact polumer frame, and high-velocity ammunication make the PDSW 528 a powerhouse for room clearing.
Fennec 45Fennec 45Unlocked at Level 38With a blinding fire rate, the Fennec 45 excels at room clearing and holding down the front line. Subsonic Ammo hides skulls from the enemy team.
BAS-PBAS-PUnlocked in Season 1 Battle Pass (Sector A6)An aggressive fire rate and modular frame make the BAS-P perfect for the discerning operator who wants to customize their submachine gun. Subsonic ammo hides kill skulls from the enemy team.

Read more about SMGs here.

Warzone 2 Shotgun List

ShotgunHow To UnlockDescription
Lockwood 300Lockwood 300Unlocked at Level 36This break-action shotgun sacrifices ammo capacity for extended range and a tight pellet spread.
Expedite 12Expedite 12Unlocked at Level 9A practiced hand can control the Expedite 12’s recoil to devastating effect. This semi-auto shotgun features a regulated gas system, ergonomic stock, and standard rail.
Bryson 800Bryson 800Unlocked by defaultA reliable, highly customizable pump-action shotgun. Configurable for either close or medium range, the Bryson 800 is synonymous with versatility.
Bryson 890Bryson 890Level up the Bryson 890 to Level 16This mag-fed pump-action shotgun takes room clearing seriously. Detachable magazine speeds up reloads.

Read more about Shotguns here.

Warzone 2 LMG List

LMGHow To UnlockDescription
Sakin MG38Sakin MG38Unlocked by defaultThe belt-fed SAKIN MG38 light machine gun delivers devastating 7.62 rounds at a high fire rate thanks to a short-stroke gas piston.
HCR 56HCR 56Level up the STB 556 to Level 20Used for squad support or solo hunting, the HCR 56 lays out full-auto fire from a controllable receiver.
556 Icarus556 IcarusLevel up the M4 to Level 18The 556 Icarus is a lightweight squad-support weapon in the M4 Platform. Increased ammo capacity does not significantly impact mobility.
RAAL MGRAAL MGUnlocked at Level 25The Reconnaissance Auxiliary Assault Lightweight Machine Gun uses titanium construction, low fire rate and a reciprocating barrel to mitigate the powerful .338 recoil.
RPKRPKLevel up the Kastov 762 to Level 16The RPK features a long, heavy barrel, high ammo capacity, and steel receiver capable of sustained full-auto fire without loss in accuracy.
RAPP HRAPP HLevel up the Lachmann-556 to Level 16Featuring a belt-fed 7.62mm receiver with all the modularity of the Lachman Meer platform, the RAPP H offers versatility in the light machine gun class.

Read more about LMG here.

Warzone 2 Sniper Rifle List

Sniper RifleHow To UnlockDescription
MCPR-300MCPR-300Unlocked by defaultThe Multi-Caliber Precision Rifle is a cutting-edge sniper rifle, chambered for the powerful .300 magnum round. This modular bolt-action sniper rifle is ready to adapt to the ever-evolving needs of the operator.
Signal 50Signal 50Unlocked at Level 44Featuring a reciprocating barrel that mitigates the recoil of the devastating .50 Cal cartridge, this anti-materiel rifle is built for consistent shots on target to take out anything you aim at.
LA-B 330LA-B 330Level up the SA-B 50 to Level 16A bolt-action sniper rifle with a hammer-forged barrel and chambered in .300 magnum.
SP-X 80SP-X 80Level up the LA-B 330 to Level 17The SP-X 80 is a .300 magnum sniper rifle designed for long-range target acquisition and elimination.
Victus XMRVictus XMRUnlocked in Season 1 Battle Pass (Sector A7)Hard-hitting, bolt actiopn sniper rifle with .50 Cal ammunition. Its tungsten sabot-tipped bullets are fast and powerful, but require precise shots over long distances.

Read more about Sniper Rifles here.

Warzone 2 Marksman Rifle List

Marksman RifleHow To UnlockDescription
EBR-14EBR-14Unlocked by defaultThe semi-automatic EBR-14 is chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO and balances fire rate with long-range lethality.
SP-R 208SP-R 208Unlocked at Level 7The pillar of the Bryson bolt rifles, the SP-R 208 is a bilt-action rifle designed for precise shots at longer distances.
Lockwood MK2Lockwood MK2Unlocked at Level 28The Lockwood Mk2 is a high-power, lever-action rifle with old-west sentiments and modern-day aesthetics.
LM-SLM-SLevel up the Lachmann-762 to Level 17The LM-S is highly accurized semi-automatic rifle available to military and police. Precision manufacturing provides unmatched accuracy for long-range engagements.
SA-B 50SA-B 50Level up the SP-R 208 to Level 13Optimized for speed and precision, the SA-B 50 bolt-action rifle features a pistol grip and lightweight frame for increased maneuverabilit.y
TAQ-MTAQ-MLevel up the TAQ-56 to Level 20The TAQ-M offers long-range support with a 6.5mm sniper round and modular design.

Read more about Marksman Rifles here.

Warzone 2 Launcher List

TacticalHow To UnlockDescription
PILAPILAUnlocked by defaultPortable infrared surface-to-air missile with a free-fire option. Self-propelled missiles have a higher speed and moderate explosive yield.
Strela-PStrela-PUnlocked at Level 14From a recoilless rifle, launch a high-velocity, low-damage ultra-precise missile that is devastating against vehicles.
JOKRJOKRUnlocked at Level 24Attack vehicles where armor is weakest with the JOKR. This fire-and-forget launcher is portable and drops a high-explosive payload from above.
RPG-7RPG-7Unlocked at Level 32An infantry-carried launcher that fires a rocket-propelled grenade for high-damage. Unguided missile requires manual aiming.

Read more about Launchers here.

Warzone 2 Handgun List

TacticalHow To UnlockDescription
P890P890Unlocked by defaultFor close-quarters situations, the P890 semi-auto pistol takes advantage of accuracy, reliability, and a hard-hitting .45 Auto round. Subsonic ammo hides kill skills from the enemy team.
.50GS.50GSUnlocked at Level 13A powerful semi-automatic pistol. Control the recoil and the .50 cal rounds will do the rest.
X12X12Unlocked at Level 31A light, semi-auto 9mm pistol with specialized and tactical modification options. The polymer frame keeps the weight down and the integrated rail allows laser attachments.
BasiliskBasiliskUnlocked at Level 39A double-action revolver firing .500 Cal rounds, the Basilisk kicks hard but hits harder. Unstoppable in the right hands.
X13 AutoX13 AutoLevel up the X12 to Level 10The highly-specialized, fully automatic trigger assembly of the X13 delivers a staggering 20 rounds per second while sacrificing a great deal of accuracy and effective range.

Read more about Handguns here.

Warzone 2 Melee Weapon List

TacticalHow To UnlockDescription
Combat KnifeCombat KnifeUnlocked at Level 17A CQC tactical knife. Standard military issue, employed for fast, quiet, and deadly wetwork.
Riot ShieldRiot ShieldUnlocked at Level 37Ballistic-proof and explosive-resistant shield with increased melee damage.

Read more about Melee weapons here.

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