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Warzone 2 Field Upgrades List & How To Unlock

In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can use Field Upgrades to combat foes in multiplayer and co-op. Get to know the Field Upgrades present in the game, recharge times,  how to unlock them, details, and more using this guide.

Read the XP Farm Guide to level up fast.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades

Warzone 2 Field Upgrades List

Field Upgrade
How To UnlockDescription / Recharge Time
Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades Tactical CameraTactical CameraUnlocked at Level 12

Remote-controlled camera that marks enemies.

Fast Recharge

Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades Inflatable DecoyInflatable DecoyUnlocked at Level 49

Proximity activated decoy mine. Upon activation the kevlar target is violently deployed to confuse and distract.

Fast Recharge

Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades DDOSDDOSUnlocked at Level 38

Activates a device that deactivates electronics, and disrupts enemy sensors in the immediate area for a short time.

Fast Recharge

Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades Deployable CoverDeployable CoverUnlocked by default

Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.

Fast Recharge

Trophy SystemTrophy SystemUnlocked at Level 8

Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three nearby pieces of equipment and projectiles. Some larger targets may take multiple shots.

Fast Recharge

Dead SilenceDead SilenceUnlocked at Level 51

Temporarily makes your footsteps silent. Gun, melee, and throwing knife kills refresh duration.

Fast Recharge

Munitions BoxMunitions BoxUnlocked at Level 16

Deploy a box of ammo and equipment for you and your teammates.

Medium Recharge

Loadout DropLoadout DropUnlocked at Level 45

Call in a team based loudout create with limited uses. Each player can only use it once.

Medium Recharge

Portable RadarPortable RadarUnlocked at Level 5

Emits a periodic radar ping to detect nearby enemies.

Medium Recharge

Tactical InsertionTactical InsertionUnlocked at Level 43

Marks a location as your next spawn point.

Medium Recharge

Battle RageBattle RageUnlocked at Level 24

Experimental stimulant that gives you an adrenaline rush. Health regenerates quickly, Tactical equipment is resisted, and Tactical Sprint is constantly refreshed.

Medium Recharge

Recon DroneRecon DroneUnlocked by default

Remote-controlled dron that has manual and auto marking capabilities.

Slow Recharge

Smoke AirdropSmoke AirdropUnlocked at Level 30

Call in a line of drones to deploy a smoke wall at a targeted location.

Slow Recharge

Suppression MineSuppression MineUnlocked by default

Trip mine that when triggered, emits a constant sound wave that disrupts enemy vision and slows their movement.

Slow Recharge

Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades Anti-Armor RoundsAnti-Armor RoundsUnlocked at Level 20

Gives weapon ammo that applies bonus damage against armored targets; this include vehicles, equipment, body armor, and targets behind penetrable cover.

Slow Recharge

What Are Field Upgrades In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2?

Support Tools

Field Upgrades are a variety of tools that you can use to take advantage of situations in the battlefield. Unlike Lethals and Tacticals, they have cooldowns and can affect both enemies and allies. Be sure to use them whenever you can as they can greatly affect the outcome of a battle!

Swap Them Out

Modern Warfare 2 Field Upgrades Swap out

Once you reach Level 45, you unlock the ability to equip two Field Upgrades. Although you cannot use both at the same time, you can simply swap each one out depending on your need. This makes it extremely useful in varied battlefields as different situations can arise and you might need a Field Upgrade fit for the occasion.

Read the campaign guide to know more about the game’s story.

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