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Modern Warfare 2 How To Setup Bots – Details

In Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can play with bots to test out weapons, techniques, and other tools. Get to know how to play with bots, how to setup a bot match, and more using this guide.

Modern Warfare 2 How To Setup Bots

Use Private Match

In the main menu, you can find the option “Private Match” under Multiplayer. Select this option as this is the game mode that allows you to play with bots. Choose the game mode that you want to play. Note that you have to exit to the main menu in order to change the game mode.

Wait For It To Load

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to go into a bot match immediately. For some reason, the game connects to the servers first before it allows you to setup a match. Wait for a few seconds and take this time to setup your loadouts before heading into the match. You can also try out other Operators here.

I hope they fix the loading part in the future for those that want to quickly jump into a bot match.

Set The Number Of Bots

Modern Warfare 2 Bot Setup

Once the “Start Match” is open, you can setup the maps and rules of the game. Again, you won’t be able to change the game mode here but you can manually tinker with rules such as health, time limits, killcams, etc. What’s important here is the number of bots that you can plug into the game. Select “Bot Setup” and setup the number of bots and their AI difficulty using this menu.

Choose “Start Match”

If everything is set, select “Start Match” to finally get into a bot match. Good luck!

Modern Warfare 2 Bot Details

How Many Bots Can I Play With?

How to play with bots

You can play with a maximum of 11 bots in a map with 5 on your team and 6 on the other team. You can play with other players and use bots to fill up the remaining empty slots in a map.

Modern Warfare 2 Bot Difficulty

There are four difficulty modes that you can use for bots:

  • Recruit
  • Regular
  • Hardened
  • Veteran

If you want to vary AI difficulty, you can select “Mixed”. Unfortunately, you cannot select the difficulty for each bot.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades


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