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Warzone 2 Lethals List & How To Unlock

In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can use Lethals to combat foes in multiplayer and co-op. Get to know the Lethals present in the game, how to unlock them, details, and more using this guide.

Read the XP Farm Guide to level up fast.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades

Warzone 2 Lethals List

LethalHow To UnlockDescription
Frag GrenadeFrag GrenadeUnlocked by defaultCookable fragmentation grenade.
Proximity MineProximity MineUnlocked by defaultProximity-triggered explosive that launches in the air, and deals heavy damage to the surrounding area.
Drill ChargeDrill ChargeUnlocked at Level 7Charge with a thermal lance that can burrow into surfaces before exploding.
Molotov CocktailMolotov CocktailUnlocked at Level 17Improvised incendiary device that explodes on impact.
SemtexSemtexUnlocked at Level 20Timed sticky grenade.
C4C4Unlocked at Level 23Large explosive that sticks to surfaces and can be detonated remotely when the equipment is depleted. Double-tapping always detonates the explosives.
ClaymoreClaymoreUnlocked at Level 25Proximity-activated explosive mine.
ThermiteThermiteUnlocked at Level 36Explosive incendiary device that sticks to all surfaces.
Throwing KnifeThrowing KnifeUnlocked at Level 54Retrievable knife that is lethal on impact.

What Are Lethals In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2?

Damaging Gadgets

Lethals are what you use if you want to damage enemies with things other than your guns. Grenades, C4s, Claymores, and the like are just part of this extensive list of damaging tools. They can also be useful as traps to ward off enemies that attempt to flank you. You can also use them to combat enemy vehicles and hardy foes.

Counter Lethals With Bomb Squad

The Bomb Squad Perk allows you to withstand non-Killstreak explosives. This includes a lot of equipment in the Lethal list. If you find yourself getting bombed with grenades and other lethals, best take this perk.

Read the campaign guide to know more about the game’s story.

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