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Warzone 2 Marksman Rifles List & How To Unlock

In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can use Marksman Rifles to combat foes in multiplayer and co-op. Get to know the Marksman Rifles present in the game, how to unlock them, details, and more using this guide.

Read the XP Farm Guide to level up fast.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades

Warzone 2 Marksman Rifles List

WeaponHow To UnlockDescription
EBR-14EBR-14Unlocked by defaultThe semi-automatic EBR-14 is chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO and balances fire rate with long-range lethality.
SP-R 208SP-R 208Unlocked at Level 7The pillar of the Bryson bolt rifles, the SP-R 208 is a bilt-action rifle designed for precise shots at longer distances.
Lockwood MK2Lockwood MK2Unlocked at Level 28The Lockwood Mk2 is a high-power, lever-action rifle with old-west sentiments and modern-day aesthetics.
LM-SLM-SLevel up the Lachmann-762 to Level 17The LM-S is highly accurized semi-automatic rifle available to military and police. Precision manufacturing provides unmatched accuracy for long-range engagements.
SA-B 50SA-B 50Level up the SP-R 208 to Level 13Optimized for speed and precision, the SA-B 50 bolt-action rifle features a pistol grip and lightweight frame for increased maneuverabilit.y
TAQ-MTAQ-MLevel up the TAQ-56 to Level 20The TAQ-M offers long-range support with a 6.5mm sniper round and modular design.

What Are Marksman Rifles In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2?

Lighter Sniper Rifles

Marksman Rifles are the cross between Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles. These weapons have great range, decent damage, and acceptable fire rates. However, they do not have the high-damage often found in Sniper Rifles and are also not as fast as Assault Rifles when it comes to fire rate.

Not As Punishing As SRs

Although they do not have the damage similar to that of Sniper Rifles (SRs), Marksman Rifles have one thing going for them and that is their fire rate. Unlike the SRs, Marksman Rifles are forgiving given that you can immediately fire once you miss. This can greatly help in picking out multiple targets or ones with high mobility from afar.

Read the campaign guide to know more about the game’s story.

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