HomeGamingOverwatch 2 Characters & Heroes List - Roles

Overwatch 2 Characters & Heroes List – Roles


Overwatch 2 is an updated and redesigned version of the immensely popular FPS, Overwatch. As a sequel, it features new characters and heroes alongside the old fan favorites. Get to know all heroes and characters in the game, roles, and more using this guide.

Overwatch 2 Characters & Heroes List

Characters and heroes in Overwatch 2 can be categorized into three different categories. These categories designate their specialization in combat. Role categories also acts as a limit to the number of similar characters in a standard match. There are currently 35 heroes in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 Tank Characters

Tanks characters in Overwatch 2 specialize in taking on damage from the enemy team. They usually have shields and/or high HP to take in and soak firepower. Their offensive abilities are limited but are mostly incredibly disruptive should they connect. Best when paired with reliable supports and heals to help them last longer in the battlefield.

Click on the hero icon for the hero guide.

Damage Characters

Damage type heroes/characters specialize in dishing out pain and whittling down the enemy team’s HP. They can be incredibly nimble and mobile but may also be squishy and vulnerable. They usually need protection from tanks and assistance from supports so that they can maximize their skills and perform well in battle.

Overwatch 2 AsheAshe BastionBastion CassidyCassidy / McCree
EchoEcho Overwatch 2 GenjiGenji Overwatch 2 HanzoHanzo
JunkratJunkrat MeiMei Overwatch 2 PharahPharah
ReaperReaper Overwatch 2 SojournSojourn Soldier 76Soldier: 76
SombraSombra SymmetraSymmetra TorbjornTorbjörn
Overwatch 2 TracerTracer Overwatch 2 WidowmakerWidowmaker

Support Characters

Supports offer a plethora of skills and abilities that assist the team in either lasting longer in battle or disabling enemy team members. These guys are also relatively squishy and they tend to be good targets for the Damage-types. Even with their apparent weaknesses, Support heroes are undeniably incredible assets for a team when played well. Best have them behind the front and maximize their abilities to win matches.

Overwatch 2 AnaAna BaptisteBaptiste Brigitte
Overwatch 2 KimikoKiriko Overwatch 2 LucioLucio MercyMercy
Overwatch 2 MoiraMoira Zenyatta

Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.




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Jose Felongcohttp://www.hungrygeeks.ph
Player of video games since the tender age of 3. Still wonders why his dad allowed him to play Doom during those times. Currently working for a gaming company and spends time painting Warhammer 40k minis to relax.