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Overwatch 2 Roadhog Hero Guide – Skills, Role & Skin Comparison

In Overwatch 2, players can take control of Roadhog, a hero taking on the role of a tank. Get to know Roadhog’s skills, role in the game, Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2 skin comparison, and more using this guide.

Get to know more about the heroes and characters in Overwatch 2 using this list.

Overwatch 2 Roadhog Hero Guide – Details

Overwatch 2 Roadhog Cover

Roadhog is a ruthless killer and a well-earned reputation for cruelty and wanton destruction.

Known especially for his Chain Hook, Roadhog can displace enemies and disrupt enemy formation, provided that the hook lands. His Scrap Gun (shotgun) also grants him a decent damage output from mid to close range. Lastly, Roadhog’s Take A Breather skill allows him to regenerate health and last longer in the battlefield even without a Support.

Origin Story

Roadhog is a ruthless masked killer with a reputation for destruction. Roaming the irradiated, wreckage-littered Australian outback, his only known associate (and many wonder why) is the manic young Junker criminal known as Junkrat.

Overwatch 2 Roadhog Hero Skills

Roadhog Weapons

Scrap GunScrap GunShort-range spread weapon.
Scrap Gun AltMedium-range spread weapon.

Roadhog Ultimate

Whole HogWhole HogDamage and knock back enemies in front of you.

Roadhog Abilities

Chain HookChain HookDrag a targeted enemy to you.
Take A BreatherTake A BreatherHeal yourself and reduce damage taken over a short time.

Roadhog Passive

Role TankRole: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Overwatch 2 Roadhog Hero Overwatch 1 & 2 Skins

Tips On How To Use Roadhog In Overwatch 2

Relies Heavily On The Chain Hook

Chain Hook Reward

Roadhog relies heavily on positioning and landing his Chain Hook. As the Hook pulls enemies directly in front of you, you can use it to punish enemy Carries and/or Supports. Also having reliable allies beside you greatly helps in shortening the kill time between successful pulls. Given that the Chain Hook takes time to travel, Roadhog can easily be countered by fast moving foes such as Genji.

A Curse Or A Blessing?

Roadhog Chain Hook

Another thing to take note of when using the Chain Hook are enemies that rely on closing gaps. Hooking enemies that specialize in close-range can be detrimental to your team. Carefully pick out your targets and constantly check the enemy roster to single out heroes without escapes or melee skills.

Camp The Objectives

Roadhog finds great use during the latter parts of a match especially when it comes to holding and clearing objectives. He can either pull enemies out of the zone to punish them or use his Whole Hog ultimate to drive enemies away from the zone. Remember to also use Take A Breather as it not only heals Roadhog but also grants him a bit of resistance against enemy attacks in the next couple of seconds.

Other Overwatch 2 Tanks

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Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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