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Overwatch 2 Sigma Hero Guide – Skills, Role & Skin Comparison

In Overwatch 2, players can take control of Sigma, a hero taking on the role of a tank. Get to know Sigma’s skills, role in the game, Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2 skin comparison, and more using this guide.

Get to know more about the heroes and characters in Overwatch 2 using this list.

Overwatch 2 Sigma Hero Guide – Details

Overwatch 2 Sigma Cover

Brilliant astrophysicist Siebren de Kuiper gained the ability to control gravity when an experiment went horribly wrong. Now, Talon manipulates him to their own ends.

Sigma is tank with a complete kit. He has blocks that can turn enemy attacks to shields, a ranged stun attack, and a mobile shield. What more could you want? He can also be devastating while throwing his balls (Hyperspheres) around the battlefield.

Origin Story

The celebrated astrophysicist Siebren de Kuiper’s life changed forever when a failed experiment gave him the ability to control gravity but splintered his mind. Now, he struggles to maintain his connection to reality, unaware that Talon is manipulating him to their own ends

Overwatch 2 Sigma Hero Skills

Sigma Weapons

HyperspheresHyperspheresLaunch two charges which implode after a short duration, dealing damage in an area.

Sigma Ultimate

Gravitic FluxGravitic FluxManipulate gravity to lift enemies into the air and slam them back down.

Sigma Abilities

Kinetic GraspKinetic GraspAbsorb projectiles in front of you and convert them into shields.
AccretionAccretionGather a mass of debris and throw it at an enemy to knock them down.
Experimental BarrierExperimental BarrierHold to propel a floating barrier; release to stop. Press again to recall the barrier to you.

Sigma Passive

Role TankRole: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Overwatch 2 Sigma Hero Overwatch 1 & 2 Skins

Tips On How To Use Sigma In Overwatch 2

Sigma Balls Have Limited Range

Sigma Balls

There’s no incentive to try and blast enemies from afar using Sigma’s Hyperspheres. His primary attacks has a limited range and can only deal damage up to mid-range. They also bounce around if you throw them at walls and at the ground. However, these balls can be damaging when used in an enclosed space so throw them if you find yourself attacking or defending a room or corridor!

Shield Your Paths

Sigma Shield

If you and your team find it hard to go through a bottleneck, use Sigma’s shield to protect you as you traverse. This shield can be moved farther the longer you hold the button so use it well to add distance and keep you and your team covered.

Throw ‘Em Rocks

Use Rocks to stun

Earthshatter allows Sigma to throw a huge chunk of rock to knock down enemies and immobilize them. Try not to use this on very mobile enemies and use it to disable tanks and supports.

Other Overwatch 2 Tanks

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Wrecking Ball

Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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