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Overwatch 2 Winston Hero Guide – Skills, Role & Skin Comparison

In Overwatch 2, players can take control of Winston, a hero taking on the role of a tank. Get to know Winston’s skills, role in the game, Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2 skin comparison, and more using this guide.

Get to know more about the heroes and characters in Overwatch 2 using this list.

Overwatch 2 Winston Hero Guide – Details

Overwatch 2 Winston Cover

A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity’s potential.

The classic Winston is armed with a Tesla Cannon that can be devastating at close-range and can now fire from afar. His Jump Pack ability gives him the mobility to leap in and out of a fight whenever the opportunity presents itself. Finally, his Barrier Projector protects those within it while allowing them to fire back.

Origin Story

A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, mild-mannered Winston is a brilliant scientist and mighty champion. Fleeing the Horizon Lunar Colony, Winston found a home with Overwatch and became the hero he’d always dreamed of being… until Overwatch fell. Now, with the world facing a rising threat from Null Sector, Winston has recalled some of his friends and former allies. A new Overwatch has been born.

Overwatch 2 Winston Hero Skills

Winston Weapons

Tesla CannonTesla CannonElectric frontal-cone weapon.
Tesla Cannon Alt FireHold to charge, release to fire focused electricity.

Winston Ultimate

Primal RagePrimal RageGain immense health, but you can only leap and punch enemies.

Winston Abilities

Jump PackJump PackLeap forward into the air. Landing on an enemy damages them.
Barrier ProjectorBarrier ProjectorDeploy a protective energy dome.

Winston Passive

Role TankRole: TankReduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Overwatch 2 Winston Hero Overwatch 1 & 2 Skins

Tips On How To Use Winston In Overwatch 2

Jump In & Out Of The Fray

Jump into the fray

Winston’s Jump Pack allows him to jump into the thick of the fight to wreak havoc. However, be wary of using this ability as it can get you to an unfavorable position. Look for opportunities to jump in and try to pick off the weaker Support back line. Despite being a tank, Winston lacks any healing abilities so best plan an escape when you choose to jump in.

Block Attacks From All Directions With Barrier

Block with barrier

Barrier Projector creates a protective dome to shield you and your team. Use it whenever you think an enemy is positioning for an ultimate or when you find yourself getting pummeled while defending an area. Note that enemies can still go through the barrier so keep them away with your primary and secondary attacks.

Other Overwatch 2 Tanks

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Visit the official Overwatch 2 page for more info.

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