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Space Marine 2 Bulwark Class Guide

The Bulwark is one of the classes available in Space Marine 2. You can choose this class in either coop missions or in PvP. Get to know the perks, available weapons, and how to play this class using this guide.

Check out the class guides in Space Marine 2! Looking for weapons? Check out the weapon list.

Space Marine 2 Bulwark Guide – Class Details

Bulwark Space Marine 2

Sword and Shield: A Bulwark Space Marine defends both the members of their Squad and the ideals of the Imperium.


Chapter BannerChapter BannerRestores all armour to all Squad members in the area of effect.

The Chapter Banner ability is best used when you and your team find yourself being sward by multiple enemies. Planting it on the ground allows passive regeneration of Armour, allowing you and your teammates to withstand incoming damage. It’s also worth noting that you can further improve its effects by leveling up. Additional effects include adding passive damage to enemies,  such as adding passive damage to enemies


To be updated.

Space Marine 2 Bulwark Guide – Weapons

Main Weapon

The Bulwark cannot carry a main weapon and instead relies on a sidearm, a shield, and a melee weapon.

Secondary Weapon

The Bulwark can only carry two sidearms:

Melee Weapon

The Bulwark can be equipped with three melee weapons

Space Marine 2 Bulwark Guide – How To Play

Operations (Coop)

Choke Point Defender

The Bulwark specializes in defending choke points when assailed by large waves of enemies. Armed with your shield and Chapter Banner, you can defend small paths to help stave off larger opponents from your ranged damage dealers. It is recommended that you partner with the Tactical class, Sniper class, or with a Heavy class as they will help you whittle down foes from afar.

Pin The Boss

As the Bulwark, part of your job is to hold larger enemies and bosses. As you defend, parry, or try your hardest to survive, your team should be ready to pepper them with enough firepower to stop them from their tracks. Note that you are expected to master parrying and dodges to maximize this class.

Eternal War (PvP)

To be updated.

Check out the other classes in Space Marine 2 here. Can your PC run Space Marine 2? Check out the system requirements here. You can pre-purchase Space Marine 2 via the official Focus Entertainment shop page.

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