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Warzone 2 Season 1 Battle Pass Guide – Rewards & Cost

In Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, players can take advantage of a Battle Pass to unlock season exclusive items and goodies. However, the way the Battle Pass works now is a bit different from what we’re used to in the first Warzone or in previous COD games. Get to know how to navigate the Season 1 Battle Pass, rewards, how much is a battle pass, and more using this guide.

Warzone 2 Battle Pass Guide – Details

What Is A Battle Pass?

What is a battle pass

The Battle Pass allows you to unlock more rewards during a season of a game. In this case, in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, you get to unlock a lot of season-exclusive goodies. These rewards can either be weapon blueprints that you can use in battle, in-game currency, operators or avatars, XP tokens, and skins.

There Are Free Rewards

Free Tiers

Although you need to pay for a Battle Pass to completely enjoy its rewards, buying it is completely optional. Note that there are also free rewards that you can obtain by simply playing the Battle Pass. Should you find yourself in a more comfortable position to buy a Battle Pass in the future, you can still retain your progress and unlock those rewards that you have already completed.

Get COD Points (In-Game Currency)

Earn CP With Battle Pass

What makes the Battle Pass a bit more manageable in the long term is that you can earn in-game currency as part of its rewards. This in-game currency can then be used to purchase skins in the in-game store. However, you can also choose to save it and purchase the next season’s Battle Pass with it, allowing you to continue and get more rewards. You can basically repeat this process until the final season. But be warned, this may require a lot of your time as you may have to complete all Battle Pass tiers in order to continue buying the next season indefinitely.

Unlock Season-Exclusive Items

Kastovia Blueprint

As mentioned, there are several season-exclusive items in a Battle Pass. Although you can unlock them via the Store, some of these items appear only in a single season. Miss them as a reward in the Battle Pass and you may miss them forever. If you want to take advantage of good blueprints, skins, and other decorations, best get a Battle Pass and grind your way to the very end.

Warzone 2 Battle Pass Rewards

Two New Weapons

Bas-P Warzone 2

There are two new weapons that are part of Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2’s Season 1 Battle Pass. Both weapons can be had by simply playing the game and getting tokens to unlock the sectors in the Battle Pass. The good thing about it all is that both weapons can be had for free and you don’t have to buy the Battle Pass to get them. Once unlocked, you can use both weapons in either Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer or in Warzone 2.

Season 1 Battle Pass Rewards

Currently being updated!

How Much Is A Battle Pass For Warzone 2?

Warzone 2 / Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass Prices

  • Battle Pass (base) – 1100 CP
  • Battle Pass Bundle (base + 20 tier skips) – 2400 CP

Do note that the price of CP or COD Points varies per region.

Is A Battle Pass Worth It?

It greatly depends on how you want to commit with playing either Warzone 2 or Modern Warfare 2. If you find yourself playing either or both of the games for a long time, presumably two to three years, then getting a Battle Pass is worth it. On the other hand, if you rarely find the time to play the game, it may not be worth it as you won’t have a lot of chances to unlock a lot of the rewards.

Another thing to consider are the rewards. If you don’t like most of the rewards, it may be best to skip this season and just wait for the next one.

Buy Your Way Through

Should you find yourself out of time or lacking the tokens needed to unlock rewards, you can simply pay your way through the Battle Pass. Battle Pass Tokens needed to unlock the reward sectors can be earned by either playing or paying. If you don’t have a lot of time in your hands, you can get more tokens by using COD points to unlock the rewards fast.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades


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