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Modern Warfare 2 How To Level Up Fast – XP Farm Guide

In Modern Warfare 2 (CODMW2 2022), players can farm XP by doing objectives and eliminating foes. There is a fast way to level up in Modern Warfare 2 however. Get to know how to farm XP and Weapon XP, techniques, recommended game modes, and more using this guide.

Read the max level guide to know the maximum level in Modern Warfare 2.

Modern Warfare 2 How To Level Up Fast

Use Double XP Tokens

Double XP Token and Double Weapon XP Token

Obviously, the best way to get to the highest level is to use XP Tokens and Weapon XP Tokens. XP Tokens can be acquired by doing challenges and completing the campaign. What they do is that they double the XP that you get for either base or weapon XP. This is a sure fire way to level up fast and the good thing is you can combo it with a game mode to farm more XP.

Duration Is In Real-Time

Like always, the time indicated on either the Double XP Token or the Double Weapon XP Token are in real-time. This means that it runs regardless if you are inside a match or not. Maximize it and use it only if you plan on binging and playing for the next hour or so.

Limited Chances Of Getting

As of the moment, chances of getting double XP and double weapon XP tokens are limited. Currently, completing the campaign rewards you with enough tokens to boost your account for a couple of hours. However, we may see more like what happened with the previous Modern Warfare which made the tokens available via Battle Pass and in-game store.

Read the max level guide to know the maximum level in Modern Warfare 2.

Play Fast Game Modes

As the main goal is to gather as much experience as you can in as little time as possible, below are the recommended game modes to play:

  • Domination
  • Kill Confirmed
  • Headquarters
  • Hardpoint

The above game modes are highly recommended to play as they force all players to a single location or to just a couple of points. This means that you can get a lot of experience for getting a couple of kills by going to designated combat zones and by playing objectives. Another good thing about these game modes is that they don’t have any respawn timer. You can just get up and go to the objective again and again to rack experience points. Combine playing on these game modes with a Double XP Token and/or Double Weapon XP Token and you are golden.

Play Invasion To Level Up Weapons

Modern Warfare 2 Invasion Level Up Weapons

Invasion is a Team Deathmatch Ground War with AI bots. Although the general XP for playing this may be a bit lower than playing the smaller game modes, you do get a lot of points for your weapons here. As you are joined with AI Bots, killing a bot nets you +100 XP. Do this a couple more times and you’ll be unlocking weapons and attachments left and right.

Check out all weapons in the Modern Warfare 2 here.

Level Up With Modern Warfare 2 Ground War

Ground War

Ground War is a large-scale battle with both teams fighting for supremacy in a large map. It features vehicles and has a lot of players involved in the fight. This is where you can farm XP. If you use a double XP or Weapon XP token here, chances are you are going to level up a lot. The only thing to do is to secure kills and survive. With a lot of players involved, chances are you’re going to get double-digit scores if you play it safe. Score whenever you can and watch the post-match screen glitter with your level ups.

Complete Daily Challenges

Coop Daily Objectives

Daily Challenges can be used to farm XP. Daily Challenges are available for both Coop and Multiplayer and are regular. They do offer a hefty amount of XP for those looking to take a different approach in both game modes. If you really want to go up fast, make sure to take on these challenges daily. Note that these XP are not affected by tokens.

Modern Warfare 2 Why Level Up Fast

Unlock Weapons & Tools Faster

An obvious reason to level up as fast as you can is to unlock better weapons. Although the tools that the game gives you initially are okay, it’s really subpar compared to ones that you’ll get later down the line. Leveling up fast allows you access to better weapons, equipment, and perks.

Get More Attachments

Modern Warfare 2 Level Up Weapon XP Farm

As with other Call of Duty games, you get more attachments the more you use the same weapon. However, unlike the previous games, you need to play certain weapons in order to unlock more weapons too. This gives you quite an incentive as not only do you unlock attachments but also variations of a weapon at the same time.

Weapon Lists
Assault RiflesBattle RiflesSMGs
ShotgunsLMGsMarksman Rifles
Sniper RiflesHandgunsLaunchers
Melee Weapons
Equipment Lists
TacticalsLethalsField Upgrades


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