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Total War Warhammer 3: Cults Guide – How To Spawn

In Total War Warhammer 3, one thing you can use to expand your Chaos forces is to make use of Cults. Cults pop up here and there but how do you actually use them? How do they spawn? Get to know how with this guide!

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Warhammer 3 Cults – How To Spawn

Cults Spawn With Chaos Corruption

Warhammer 3 Chaos Cult

As chaos corruption spreads across the land, you may get a prompt asking you on what to do with a cult. This happens by chance and there is no sure fire way to get it (unless you’re using Slaanesh). You do get increased chances of spawning them if your faction’s corruption is widespread. You mostly have to do nothing about this as the game progresses. Just wait for the eventual spread of your faction’s Chaos Corruption and take advantage of it.

Slaanesh Can Easily Spawn Cults

Seducers of Slaanesh can establish cults around the map easily through the use of their hero unit, Cultist of Slaanesh. The Establish cult action can be done to a town or city in exchange of the Devotees resource.

How To Use Cults

Use Cults To Generate Resources

You can use cults to stealthily generate resources for your faction. Although not substantial, these resources can collectively be a boon to your economy. Make sure to prop them up depending on your needs and situation. Also, they can be somewhat unreliable as they can be removed once corruption dwindles in that region. Towns cradling cults can also be razed or conquered, also removing the cult with them.

You Can Demolish & Rebuild Them

Chaos Cults can be demolished and rebuilt without any negative impact. You can rebuild them to a different structure depending on your needs for the next immediate turns.

Make Invasions Easier

Warhammer 3 Blood cult arena
Khorne’s Blood Cult Arena teleports Skarbrand and his army to the cult’s location.

Aside from generating resources, cults can be used as staging grounds for invasions in a region. They can grant your armies with powerful buffs, debuffs to the defending faction, and they can even act as launching points for attacks. Weigh your options and plan ahead so that you can fully take advantage of your little cultists.

Other Total War Warhammer 3 Guides

Check out Total War: Warhammer 3 on Steam here.

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