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Total War Warhammer 3: Realm of Tzeentch – Portal & Map Guide

The Realm of Tzeentch is one of the challenging maps in Total War Warhammer 3. To navigate it, you need to enter confusing portals to jump across the floating isles. But are the teleport loci random? What do you do with Tzeentch’s boons? Read this guide to know more!

Check out Slaanesh’s Realm Rewards here!

(!) This guide is still a work in progress. Some info written here may be updated in the coming days.

Warhammer 3 Realm of Tzeentch Portals

Realm of Tzeentch Map

Tzeentch Realm Map

Portal Paths Are Different Depending On Your Faction

Depending on your faction, your starting position in Tzeentch’s realm may be different. The paths to the other islands are also different and are based on your faction. Though not entirely random, you may need to use a bit of guess-work or save scumming in order to safely traverse through this puzzle.

Warhammer 3 impossible fortress

Remember that your end goal here is to reach Tzeentch’s Impossible Fortress (Yellow dot on the map). Note that leaving this map resets the spawns and re-entering it leaves you back to where you started.

Tzarina Katarin (Kislev) Map

Miao Ying Grand Cathay Map Miao Ying (Grand Cathay) Map

Katarina Kislev Map

 Skarbrand (Exiles of Khorne) Map

Skarbrand Khorne Map

N’Kari (Seducers of Slaanesh) Map

NKari Seducers of Slaanesh Map

Daemon Prince (Chaos Undivided) Map

Daemon Prince Chaos Undivided Map

Other maps coming soon!

Reveal Sigils To Quickly Solve The Puzzle

Warhammer 3 Tzeentch Realm Reveal Sigil

You can use the option to reveal sigils when interacting with the white circles. Revealing the sigils reveals the a pair of portals, allowing you to plot your path without having to go back and forth. Also, you can reveal sigils after winning battles in the Realm of Tzeentch. You have the option to reveal a random sigil after defeating an enemy, however, this only reveals one.

Recover Units When You Need Them

You can choose the “Replenishment” offer when interacting with the glowing white circles in Tzeentch’s realm to recover all your troops. Take advantage of this and maintain your manpower as you travel the islands. Also, when battling the demons, you may opt to use your victories to recover the lost manpower instead of revealing sigils.

Do Not Stay Put

Staying put and using global recruitment to recover units inside the realm of Tzeentch is not only slow but it also leaves you open to attacks. Enemies here spawn constantly. Defeating them once does stop them for 2 to 3 turns but they will definitely be back. Be always on the move as staying put will just incur losses.

You Can Go Back

If you find yourself getting bogged down by the Tzeentch’s demons, you can also retreat to get more units safely. The sigils and the teleport loci do not reset when you go back. For your first trip, explore as much as you can, then retreat if you find yourself losing a lot of men. Afterwards, heal up, recruit, then go back armed with better info and a fresh army.

Other Total War Warhammer 3 Guides

Check out Total War: Warhammer 3 on Steam here.

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