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Expeditions Rome: How To Revive Guide

Revive cover

During the heat of battle in Expeditions: Rome, you can get downed due to the overwhelming assault. If the opportunity presents itself, how can you revive downed teammates? Do you need items for it? Or do you need to have a certain skill? Read this guide to know how to revive teammates in Expeditions: Rome!

Expeditions Rome: How To Revive

Revive Using The Revive Skill

Expeditions Rome Revive Revive (Active Skill)
Bring an Incapacitated target back in action with 25%/50% Health. The target will retain any unused Movement, but their Action Point will be spent.
Can be used 3 times every encounter.
Can be unlocked once you invest 5 points in the Medic skill tree.

A Triarius Medic skill, Revive does what the name implies – revive incapacitated teammates. It starts with 25% HP recovery but can be upgraded to grant 50% HP to the revived teammate. Also note that the revived character can move but cannot do any actions once revived.

Revive Target

It is highly advisable to get at least one member of your team with this skill during sorties and missions. This skill is the only reliable way to revive teammates. Note that you can only use Revive three times during an encounter so use it well!

Don’t Stand On The Downed Character

Don't stand on the downed teammates hex

One important thing to remember when reviving is that another character must not occupy the hex of a downed character. Doing so prevents the downed character from being revived. Make sure that any allies or any enemies are not present inside the hex of you downed unit before going in for the revive.

Stand Up Once With Indomitable Skill

Indomitable Revive

Although not a “Revive” per se, Indomitable can keep a member of your team up for one-turn after getting Incapacitated. Great for those pinches or last ditch efforts. You can also use it to beeline to the nearest medic so you can get revived easily after your turn ends. Indomitable status can only be gained through items and is not available using skills. One item you can get Indomitable from is from Caeso’s unique armor.

Why Do You Need To Revive

Revive is a good way to stabilize ailing teammates without using Bandages. If you have the Combat Death option on, reviving is pretty invaluable as this prevents your members from dying in combat (aka permanently being deleted from the game)!

Can You Revive Using Bandages?

Heal using Bandages

Nope. Bandages can only be used to prevent bleeding out after being downed or Incapacitated. While they can be used as a means to get rid of the “Bleeding” status, Bandages can only be used to heal a certain percentage of HP.

One important thing is that you can only use Bandages on other characters. You can’t have a character to use it on themselves.

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