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Expeditions Rome: The Moment of Truth – Should You March Your Legion Into Rome?

expeditions rome the moment of truth

The final battle is now at hand. The Moment of Truth is where the story pivots in Expeditions Rome. Your decision here heavily affects the final act of the game. Should you decide to march into Rome with your legions? Or should you battle it out with Lurco in the Senate? The choice is yours. Know what will happen using this guide!

Note that as talks about the final part of the game, expect some spoilers here and there. If you are after the ending, check out this guide.

Expeditions Rome The Moment of Truth Guide

March Into Rome With Your Legion?

Expeditions Rome The Moment of Truth bridge

After talking with your team by the bridge, you can go to talk with Vitus to jump start the final act of the game. Your choice here splits where the story would go in Act IV. You can either march into Rome with your legion or stand down and use words to fight it out in the Senate. The choice is ultimately yours. Just be sure to save here so you can go back and try out the other choice so you can see what changes in the ending.

If You March Into Rome

march your legion into rome

Choosing to go against the laws, you march into Rome with your veteran legion. Before you cross the bridge, Caeso will protest about how he feels betrayed by this development. This removes his involvement with your team during the greater part of Act IV.

Continuing into the city, you have to either convince the people in power that you are only after Lurco or slay most are inclined to side with the Senate against you. Either way, it will be a bloody business if you choose this path.

Also, know that you may have to make sacrifices and kill certain characters in order to achieve victory. You might even have to kill some of your friends just to get your vengeance against Lurco.

If You Choose To Go To The Senate

battle in the senate

You stand down and disband your legion to fight with words and evidences in the Senate. This sounds like a peaceful resolution but be prepared for more fatal encounters during Act IV. This is also where your choices in the previous acts influence the flow of the discussion in the Senate. People that you met in the previous acts may stand as witnesses against or for your cause.

Ultimately, this also ends with some important characters tragically dying depending on your choice.

Other Expeditions Rome Guides

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