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Darktide Best Class Guide & Ranking

In Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, players can choose up to four different classes. But which of these four is the best class in Darktide? Get to know the strongest class, ranking, and more using this guide.

Darktide is currently in beta and the best classes in the game may change once the game officially launches on the 30th. Stay tuned for changes!

Darktide Best Class

Best Class: Veteran Sharpshooter

Darktide Best Class Veteran

Great Overall Kit

After asking several players, it looks like the Veteran is the best class in the game. While it specializes in ranged combat, it has noteworthy melee weapons that help it survive in melee. It’s easy to use, has a good set of feats, and weapon selection is incredibly varied. All of these reasons make the Veteran Guardsman a popular choice for starting players and a rewarding one if you spend time mastering it.

Hits Hard With High Survivability

Darktide Bolter

The Veteran Guardsman specializes in hitting targets from afar. With its class skills “Volley Fire” and “Make Every Shot Count”, the veteran can simply point to an enemy and delete it with extreme prejudice. With guns like the Bolter, Veterans can cause enemies to die from having their innards paint the nearby walls and ground. If you want something to disappear with a click, the Veteran is the class for you.

Darktide Veteran Camo Expert

A noteworthy feat of the Veteran is “Camo Expert”. It lowers your priority as a target amongst your team causing enemies to ignore you if you stand still. This is a pretty great passive to have if you want to just stand still and dish out damage with your ranged attacks. This feat also results in you surviving most fights longer.

Play What You Want

Although we can consider the Veteran as the current best class in the game, Darktide may be updated to empower the other classes. With that said, just play what you want in the game. The four classes offer four different perspectives in terms of combat and follow which one you want to play as instead of focusing on the game’s best or current meta. The “best” may change in subsequent game updates so it may be better to stick with the class that you feel at home with most.

Darktide Best Class Tier List & Ranking

Darktide Four Classes

This rank currently follows the game’s trend and the opinions of several Darktide players. It may change once the game is officially launched. Note that positions may also change with coming Darktide updates.

Darktide Tier List

  • S Tier – Veteran
  • A Tier – Zealot, Ogryn
  • B Tier – Psyker

The Veteran Sharpshooter takes the top of the list with its versatility, ease of use, and good selection of armaments. The Zealot is on the A Tier with its devastating melee and good survivability. Still on the A Tier are Ogryns as they can tank a lot of damage, they are somewhat a necessity for high difficulty missions, and because of their very reliable crowd control skills. Psyker takes B Tier as the above classes can do its designated role, sometimes even better. We just hope that the Psyker gets more love in the future as it’s definitely not a class to sleep on if fully utilized.

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