In Digimon Survive, you may encounter a weird orb called Phasmamend. These units are immobile and are unexplained participants in some battles. Get to know what a Phasmamend does, abilities, attacks, and more using this guide.
The Phasmamend is a unit that is usually found during boss fights. It is first encountered as the weird floating ball in the battle against Arukenimon. They provide a large amount of healing to a single random Digimon beside it. This can be a boon during boss fights as you can tank some of the bosses’ attacks while being beside a Phasmamend.
Opposite to the Phasmamend is the Phasmacharge. Instead of healing, the Phasmacharge damages units around it.
As it targets a random Digimon, the Phasmamend can heal either an enemy Digimon or a friendly one. Be sure to use it only to your advantage. You can either destroy it to prevent it from healing enemy Digimon or you can forcibly push or move the enemy Digimon away from it.
This list is a work in progress and will be updated as more info is confirmed.
Digimon Survive is out for the PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam. Get to know more about it here.